The book by frank p. incropera is provides a complete introduction to
physical origins of heat and mass transfer.
Noted for its crystal clear presentation and easy-to-follow problem solving methodology, Incropera and Dewitt's systematic approach to the first law develops reader confidence in using this essential tool for thermal analysis. Readers will learn the meaning of the terminology and physical principles of heat transfer as well as how to use requisite inputs for computing heat transfer rates and/or material temperatures
New Features
- Expanded coverage of areas of recent interest in heat transfer, including fuel cells and alternative energy devices, electronics cooling, micro-scale heat transfer, and biological as well as bioheat transfer. New examples and homework problems are included for each area.
- Introduction to the concepts of nano-scale transport and unified treatment of transient conduction.
- New material on two-phase heat transfer and enhanced internal forced convection.
- New and revised presentation of mass transfer including applications in materials science and biological engineering.
- New, revised, and updated problems and examples.
Model, solve, and explore heat transfer problems:
Completely updated with a modern graphical user interface and better graphing tools, Interactive Heat Transfer (IHT) software will help you learn how to build thermal models, solve specific conditions, and explore the effects of multiple parameter variations. IHT is now capable of solving 300+ equations. The Finite Element Heat Transfer software enhances capabilities for treating steady-state and transient one- and two-dimensional conduction problems.
About the Author
Frank P. Incropera is currently Matthew H. McCloskey Dean of the College of Engineering at Univeristy of Notre Dame. Professor Incropera received his B.S.M.E. from M.I.T. and his M.S.M.E. and Ph.D. from Stanford University, all in mechanical engineering. In 1998, he became the Clifford and Evelyn Brosey Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Professor Incropera has received four major Purdue teaching awards and was the 1982 recipient of the ASEE Ralph Coats Roe Award for excellence in teaching. He was the 1983 recipient of the ASEE George Westinghouse Award for achievements in teaching and research. In 1984 he became a Fellow of the ASME, and in 1988 he received the ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award for twenty years of research accomplishments in the fields of plasma heat transfer, radiative transfer in participating media, and double-diffusive and mixed convection. In 1988 he was also recipient of the Senior Scientists Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and recipient of the Melville Medal for the best original paper published by ASME. In 1995 he received the Worcester Reed Warner Medal of ASME for contributions to the fundamental literature of heat transfer and his textbooks on the subject.